Technical Guides
Create Custom Card
Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to complete the function fn:
tslet sql = `SELECT count(1) as quantity FROM users`;
Execute the SQL query: Use the query method provided in req to execute the SQL query and get the results.
tslet results = await req.find(sql);
Display the chart: Use the value method provided in res to send the formatted data response.
tsreturn res.value(data);
Final Result
With these steps, you have completed the fn function. Now, when this function is called, it will return a card showing the number of users created. Make sure to adjust the code according to your application's specifications and structure.
tsconst fn = async function (req: Request, res: Response) { let sql = `SELECT count(1) as quantity FROM users `; let results = await req.find(sql); return res.value(results); };
How to create ChartLines
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How to create Tables
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